• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685

Podcasts Repository - The EcoPodcasts Online Platform

The EcoPodcasts Online Platform - Link: https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/
In this platform you will be able to select the Podcasts produced in our
EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ project, including not only thematic podcasts about the environment, but also about g
ood practices for dealing with and combating environmental issues (e.g.: sea and air pollution), to raise awareness and take action against climate change.
The "Podcasts" will be developed by the students and will also focus on the  17 SDGs sustainable development goals that will supply topics of podcasts  in our project.

  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685