• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685

Project Description

EcoPodcasts: Students Podcasts on Eco-Conscious and Sustainable Living

The EcoPodcasts project has the mission to contribute to the adoption of innovative and interactive learning methods in the context of school education, while at the same time, teachers and students are informed and gain important knowledge about environmental pollution and the fight against climate change. In other words, the EcoPodcasts project has a vision of contributing to the formation of citizens who will shape our future society, and who will have developed environmentally friendly values and habits, shaping a sustainable future for all of us.

Through the project's educational material, students and the school community will become agents of positive change in society, in an effort to guide society towards a sustainable lifestyle in order to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change.

✅ The project will develop a variety of podcasts that students will develop not only for their classmates, but also for their families and other adults who want to adopt alternative and sustainable habits in a fun and real way, through the eyes of children, covering a wide range of topics both on caring for the environment and on all 17 SDGs.



EcoPodcasts Work Packages (PR - Project Results)



The EcoPodcasts project is composed of 5 work packages (PR1 - PR5), which deal with the tasks of creating an Educational Curriculum for the project; together with related training programs; a web podcasts platform; a resource hub; and an appropriate network to promote the planned environmental education. All the work packages will be managed by the project coordination at its core, and promoted with the planned project dissemination toolkit and activities. (More details about the EcoPodcasts Work Packages can be found within the Project Description sub-menu or via the following links: EcoPodcasts_Curriculum; Training_Program; Platform; Resource_Pool; Network; Dissemination).


EcoPodcasts will discuss about SDGs Topics


The EcoPodcasts project will use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) color scheme for the classification of the Resources Material; Podcasts’ Topics; Network Activities; as well as for the Dissemination Design, according to each of the topic being exploited in the podcasts.


SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals)

  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685