• EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685

EcoPodcasts Greece

The image shows the covers of 4 EcoPodcasts.

EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project is currently being piloted by the partner-schools and/or their selected collaborating educational institutions, in the countries of Bulgaria, Greece, Austria, Malta, Italy and Portugal.

Check some newly produced greek and englisch podcasts produced by the students and teachers in Greece!

They are already available at https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/podcast/ - have a listen and let us know what you think! 

Stay tuned as the students' podcasts are currently developed, and join the Network

https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/ & 

EcoPodcasts Featuring in the AECCB European Journal 2023


The Agrupamento de Escolas Camilo Castelo Branco (AECCB) has published their next European Journal! It is a report about their acivities and developments that took place in the second half of the year 2023 in its member's institutions.
Besides the EcoPodcasts project, they are involved in many other Erasmus+ projects which you can find in the report starting on page 34. We are proud to have this school group as a partner in the EcoPodcasts project which is featured on pages 61 to 63. Doing justice to its multicultural approach, all texts of the journal are both in Portuguese and English. Feel free to dive right in
It is great to have a team that has so much experience with Erasmus+ projects as the AECCB and is so enthusiastic about the European values. We are already looking forward to the next issure of the AECCB Journal, where we will be able to report about our progress!

Publication of Second Newsletter on EcoPodcasts’ Progress

EcoPodcasts Dissemination at BG/BRG lichtenfels

REACH was invited at the 2023/2024 Initial Workshop of the BG/BRG Lichtenfels School to brainstorm with the Teachers about how to pilot the project EcoPodcasts with their students. @EcoPodcasts Platform "Champion" Julia Smolka, teacher of French and Geography, has explained to her colleagues how easy and simple it is to register and use the platform. Groups of teachers from different areas of education have worked together to find motivating ways to engage their students into production of  Eco-conscious Podcasts this school year. All this with complete support from the school director Nikolas Holzapfel. Altogether, the Lichtenfels Gymnasium in Graz is fully motivated and prepared to pilot EcoPodcasts project.  We shall wait and see what is coming next from their side! Stay tuned!

EcoPodcasts Malta

Cover of four EcoPodcasts Originals from students from Malta

EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project is currently being piloted by the partner-schools and/or their selected collaborating educational institutions, in the countries of Bulgaria, Greece, Austria, Malta, Italy and Portugal.

Check the first podcasts produced by the students and teachers in Malta in collaboration with the IIF project partner.

They are already available at https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/podcast/ - have a listen and let us know what you think! 

Stay tuned as the students' podcasts are currently developed, and join the Network

https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/ & 

LTTA - Learning Teaching Training Activity in Italy

The EcoPodcasts Teachers Training Workshop in Frigole, Italy happened in the period of 20-22.06.2023.  The Workshop counted with 32 participants including invited Teachers from all Consortium Partners' Countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Austria, Portugal and Malta). All invited Teachers were motivated and eager to learn more about the project’s results and to apply podcasts on environmental protection & climate change with their students.

On the Day 1, the workshop started with a "Welcome Message" from Lucia of the University of Salento, followed by an overview of what has been produced for the EcoPodcasts curriculum. Tatyana from the Bulgarian team gave us a brief introduction of the "Care for the Environment" manual and the "How to Create a Podcast" guide. Next, our host Lucia worked with the workshop group on a brainstorming session about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to get all participants in tune with one of the main focuses of the project: climate change awareness. Also on Day 1, we had a typical presentation of Italian dance at the Lunch-break, followed by a remote session about the modules "Applying design thinking & project-based learning in environmental education" and "Using radio and podcasts in class“ of the EcoPodcasts teachers toolkit were presented by Giota from the Greece team. The Ecopodcats partner from Greece, 1st Primary School of Alexandria presented in the sequel their first produced EcoPodcasts. It was very inspiring to hear about the success and also difficulties that appear during the process of producing the podcasts.

The 2nd. Workshop Day was focused on the developed EcoPodcasts Online Platform (https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/). The guest teachers were introduced to the platform by the Malta team (Anamaria & Bernard). They were informed about how to upload podcasts, use available resources, and about the online discussion groups. The morning sessions included presentations from the guest educators from Malta and ended with a very interesting presentation by Patrik Camilleri, from the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta, about online group discussions, which was very enriching for both teachers and the EcoPodcasts project team.
 The afternoon's work continued with the presentation of another module of the Teacher Training Toolkit: the guide to community involvement. Anamaria from the Malta team spoke enthusiastically about the importance of community involvement and how much can be achieved through it. At the end of the 2nd workshop day. The teachers were presented to the Resource Hub by Luisa from the Portugal team, giving us an overview of the potential of the Resource Hub within the online platform (https://go.ecopodcasts.eu/resources/).

On the last Workshop Day, Lucia from the Italian Team focused on the EcoPodcasts Network; whereas Fatima and Sandra from the Austrian team worked on the Workshop Feedback using the module produced for the teacher toolkit "Reflection Guide". It was great to hear the teachers talk about their expectations and also about their concerns. The EcoPodcasts team is very thankful to get this feedback and will continue to work to refine the developed tools.
After the feedback session, an inter-schools activity took place. In groups, teachers from different countries were guided by the Austrian partner REACH to work on a draft-concept of a joint/inter-school podcast regarding one SDG. The interaction among the teachers was amazing and for sure new synergies will start.

It was a very productive event, which will help us start the podcasts implementation phase of our project, as well as enhance team spirit among project collaborators. All EcoPodcasts partners are very grateful to the efforts from Lucia from the Italian Team for making our LTTA workshop in Frigole an unforgettable experience!
We wish all Participants now a very exciting and successful phase of Podcasts production with the students of the Partners' Schools and of the Educational Institutions outside the EcoPodcasts Project Consortium (from Austria and Malta)! We are sure that the motivation for piloting the project with the students will be stronger than any challenge faced.

We are looking forward to listening to the resulting "EcoPodcasts"!
Stay tuned for the results to come!

EcoPodcasts Reflection about Implementation Challenges

During the EcoPodcasts Teachers Training Workshop in Frigole, Italy in June 2023, Consortium Partners and Teachers, Members of the invited Schools, had the chance to reflect about the implementation challenges they faced or that they envisage to face with their students when piloting the project and producing the podcasts.

Some of these considerations and reflections were recorded by the Austrian Team and a short video was compiled by REACH back in Austria with the contribution of some workshop participants. 

We hope you enjoy the short video about some of the "EcoPodcasts Implementation Challenges"!

EcoPodcasts Survey Presentation at ICDSST-2023

Our partner Lucia Fanini, from the University of Salento, presented the results of the EcoPodcasts survey at the 9th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST-2023) held from 30 May to 31 June in Albi, France.

The paper presented refers to a survey carried out by the EcoPodcasts project partners in their countries, on the potential of producing podcasts on climate change as a tool for digital education and community engagement.

The full paper was published in the Proceedings of Short Papers and Abstracts of the ICDSST2023, found here: https://icdsst2023.files.wordpress.com/2023/05/actes_imt_icdsst2023_v3.pdf (Page 57).

The full papers presented in the ICDSST-2023 can be found her: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-32534-2.






EcoPodcasts Publications: Teachers ' Training Toolkit Modules

Some modules of the EcoPodcasts Teachers' Training Toolkit are already available the project's website (http://www.ecopodcasts.eu/cms/index.php/toolbox). 

The toolkit aims to guide teachers in applying all the important facets of the above and the EcoPodcasts curriculum. It is published as an Open Education Resource (OER) through the project’s platform and website and includes a pedagogical framework for environmental education.

(1) The module “Applying design thinking and project-based learning in environmental education” intend to familiarize teachers with these educational approaches and offer them guidelines and examples on how to practically apply those.

(2) The module “Using radio & podcasts in class” provides a comprehensive online and offline guide on how to utilize the tools of podcasts and support students in storytelling and interviewing. Both modules (1) and (2) were developed by the University of Macedonia.

(3) The module “EcoPodcasts Platform and Application Handbook” provides an instructional manual of the platform’s basic features, with detailed instructions on how to use them and how to guide students and other teachers to be engaged, interact and upload resources and podcasts. This module was developed by the Malta partner International Integrity Foundation IIF, who also developed the module (4)  "Tips and Guides for Community Engagement".

(5) The module “Reflection Guide” provides practical guidance for applying reflection sessions in the classroom after each implementation phase of the project’s curriculum. This module was developed by REACH.


EcoPodcasts Publication: Care for Environment Handbook in languages of partners

Now you can find the EcoPodcasts Handbook “Care for Environment” in all Consortium languages – Bulgarian, Greek, German, Maltese and Portuguese.

Check this out!

You find the publications via the link: http://www.ecopodcasts.eu/cms/index.php/toolbox


EcoPodcasts : Launch of the go.ecopodcasts platform

The interactive online platform "go.ecopodcasts", developed by the Malta partner International Integrity Foundation IIF, was launched for testing among the other EcoPodcasts consortium partners. The interactive online platform will manage an online community of teachers, students, and schools. The platform embeds an archive of podcasts created or identified by the project. It also hosts the Project's Resource Pool, which will be populated at the beginning by the material compiled by the partners  as a living documentation of the EcoPodcasts Resource Hub.

EcoPodcasts Publication: Students Guide on How to create a Podcast"

We are delighted to announce that our practical guide on "How to create a podcast", edited by the team at the University of Macedonia in Greece with the participation of all the Ecopodcasts project partners, is now available on our website. The aim of the guide is to provide students with the necessary information on both the equipment needed to produce a podcast and aspects of the creative process.

In the infographic on the left, created by the REACH team, you can get an idea of the topics covered by the manual, focusing on two important aspects: 1) what is needed to create a podcast? and 2) the essence of podcasting. We believe that, with our guide, we can help facilitate the use of podcasts in class as well as a means of expressing concerns about environmental protection and climate change.

Download the guide here and find A4 posters of the infographic in our toolbox section!

Feel free to send us your feedback and share it with any educator you think might like it!


  • EcoPodcasts Erasmus+ Project Nr. 2021-1-BG01-KA220-SCH-000027685